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Celebrate with our NEW themed birthday parties for an unforgettable day of fun!

Superheroes Party

Train like a hero in our Superhero Academy – battle supervillains in Toshi’s training ground, explore new worlds in the Air Gallery, and complete an epic mission in Future Park. Unleash your inner superhero!

Sports Party

Compete like a champion at OliOli® Sports Stadium – race in Incredi-balls, conquer obstacles in Toshi’s nets, and hit targets in the Air Gallery. A high-energy sports adventure for all ages!

Fairytale Party

Step into a world of magic! Explore Toshi’s enchanted forest, meet fairytale characters in Future Park, and uncover the wonders of the Kingdom of Water. Your fairytale adventure starts here!

Safari Party

Embark on a thrilling journey through the OliOli® Jungle! Swing through Toshi’s Nets, conquer the water hole, and brave the wild in Incredi-balls. An exciting jungle adventure awaits!


Venue Privatisation Package

Exclusive access to the Museum for your party – under request only. For more details please ask our team for “The Awesomest OliOli® Birthday Party”

OliOli - Endless Fun In Our Incredi-Balls Gallery

World Class Interactive Galleries

Endless Fun For You & Friends

Hassle-Free For Parents

OliOli New Themed Birthdays - Sports

Exciting Themed Parties

Birthdays (1)

Personalised Service

OliOli New Themed Birthdays - Sandwich Platters

Sandwich Platters To Share

OliOli New Themed Birthdays - Pizzas 2

Delicious Pizza Options

OliOli New Themed Birthdays - Juices

Fresh Juices

What Our Guests Say!

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